At a glance...
My qualifications are: BA (Psych), Honours (Psych), MA (Clinical Psychology)​.
I am a Certified Individual Schema Therapist, with the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST).
I am EMDR trained and working towards Accreditation with the EMDR Association of Australia (EMDRAA).
I am registered with the
Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
I'd like to give you a snapshot of how I approach my work...
We all have unique hopes and dreams for our lives - but all too often we get stuck in unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving. Sometimes these become ingrained patterns that are played out over and over again in our lives. These can impact our work, our relationships and our ability to get what we want from life.
My professional training and own therapy work has taught me that we all have the capacity to change. It's just not always possible for us to do this work alone.
For many of us, mental health symptoms can be better understood as survival strategies - that is, ways of coping that we developed early in life in the face of trauma or adversity. To bring about lasting change, we can't just focus on alleviating symptoms. Instead, we need to heal at a deeper level and develop new, healthier ways of functioning in our daily lives.
I work from a Schema Therapy approach. This involves developing awareness and consciousness of our unique belief systems, then utilising evidence-based strategies to heal old, problematic ways of thinking and behaving. For more information on Schema Therapy, click here.
I pride myself on bringing warmth and empathy to my work, and providing a non-judgemental space for you to change and grow.​ I truly believe that for therapy to be productive, it needs to be an active, collaborative and flexible process.
I welcome any questions you might have. To find out more or book a session, head to my Location & Bookings page.
I look forward to hearing from you.